Part 18: Onboard the Steamer 2
For the one person who cares (hint, he's writing this post now), the NPC Chatter update for the rest of Parm will be up... soon-ish. It's running a little longer than anticipated.
On the other hand, the second half of the Steamer is up now!
Welcome back! We're getting started right in the thick of things this time.
You really should watch this. (
Polsy link)
For those who are unfortunately unable to watch, read on. Otherwise skip down to "cutscene ends", as always.

: This is the treasure you brought back? Incredible!

: You sure are a first-rate adventurer.

: Ha ha! I'm home!

: You all haven't changed a bit.

: Welcome home, Feena! Boy I missed you! How've ya been?
Now, this next part is why this really needs to be heard.
The captain's voice actor was apparently under the impression that he was supposed to be a pirate.
... Sure you can't go back and click on that Youtube link? Okay, your loss...

: Feena, you've outdone yourself again. I'm so happy to see your smiling face.

: Long time, no see, Cap'n! You look well too!

: Feena, I thought I'd never see the Golden Legacy of the legendary pirate Warren with my own two eyes.
Warren? Psh, gimme a call when you find the Lost Relics of Lilly the Skull.

: Aha ha, isn't it great?

: To tell the truth, I had a bit of trouble. It was one trap after another. Whoever set 'em sure had a bad attitude!

: They might catch some bumbling adventurer, but they can't catch me!

: At the very end though, I thought I was done for when I had these giant boulders on my tail.

: But I quickly found a cave in the side and jumped in!

: Whoa, hang on there! Let's not waste a good story. Let's go sit down.

: You can take your time and tell me about your adventure down below. I'll have the men carry your treasure.

: OK, Cap'n. Can you guys take care of this stuff?

: Yeah!

: Sure thing!

: No problem!

: Catch up with you later!

: Um, well I-I'm Justi....

: Wow! A GIRL!? The greatest adventurer in the New World is a girl. That's so cool! And she's pretty, too. ♥ Right, Justin?!

: Hee hee. Thank you.

: Cap'n, will you introduce us?

: Of course, Feena. These are our apprentice sailors. Justin and Sue here.

: Hmmm. My name's Feena. Pleased to meet you!

: Say, Justin! Let's give her the high-five greeting!

: That's right. We just practiced it! I'm Justin! Pleased to meet you!

: OK. For now we... shake... hands! Let's save the high-five for when you're a full-fledged sailor.
For once I'm adding ellipses to the script to show how the dialog actually pauses during the handshake animation.

: Come, let's go, Feena. Don't be slacking off, eh Justin?

: You two, good luck on your ship work.

: Well, shall we go, Cap'n?

: Argh! She treated me like a kid!

: But she's so cool! I'd like to be like her.

: The greatest adventurer in the New World.... She was pretty cute.
And, with a fade to black, the cutscene ends.
Or, at least, I stopped the video there. Still plenty more

until we get control again.

: Don't give me that. Better 'n being tossed overboard, no? It's your fault.

: Hey, you two! It's about time! You'll never be a full-fledged sailor if you can't get up on time!

: Good morning, Justin and Sue! Looks like a hot one today.

: Huh!? You remembered our names?

: I'm shocked.

: A first-rate adventurer needs an excellent memory...

: Or I'd like to say so.

: I heard about you from the Cap'n. So I thought I'd talk to you.

: I thought I'd talk to you while swabbing the deck, but you took so long to get here.

: At this rate, you've got a long way to go to be a full-fledged sailor.

: Geez, you're pretty tough.

: But I'm an adventurer! So that's OK with me!

: Hang on there... the Cap'n said you were an apprentice sailor.
Spoken like someone who has never had to wash floors for a living.

: That's just my disguise! I've got a good cover story.
You see, I rolled Janitor but volunteered for a Telescience trip...

: You know, Sue just....

: No, I'll tell her! The problem was that Justin here was trying to ditch me!

: D-ditch you?

: Now listen, Feena. Justin here is so terrible....
A quick fade out, and back in.

: Hey, I'm a great adventurer, right?

: Right?! You see how it was all Justin's fault, right?

: Ah hahahahahah! I can see that you two are really good friends! Hahaha! You two are just too funny. I haven't laughed like this in ages!

: Say, Feena. Tell us something about you! No fair just talking about us.

: Hmm. You're right.

: So what would you like to know?

Tell us about your adventures.

: Hmm, it's hard to say in just a few words.

: Well, we've got plenty of time before we get to New Parm, so I'll tell you a little each day!

: That means we'll be swabbing the decks for a while, too.

: Ugh! Apprentice sailors have it rough.

: Ah hahah! You'll be OK. I'll help, too!

: I'll be fun if we all do it!

: Yeah! Thank you, Feena!

How do I start exploring the New World?

: So Justin, you want to be the greatest adventurer in the world?

: We're going to the Adventurers Society in New Parm.

: Feena, are you a member, too?

: Um... well... of course I'm a member.

: Great! I'll become a member, too! I'll be an even better adventurer!

: I guess so....

: I'll go with you on your adventure. That sounds like fun!

Feena, do you live in New Parm?

: Where do I live? I do live near New Parm. I live alone. It's a carefree life.

: Alone? You're tough, Feena! Don't you get lonely?

: Both my parents died long ago. I used to live with my big sister, but not anymore.

: Wow. Living alone in the New World. Feena, that's so COOL.
Upon finishing up the last of the three questions, the screen darkens, and the music changes to howling wind.
And yes, I checked. It waits for you to ask all of them before continuing on with the plot. In case, y'know, you couldn't tell by now that Feena's an important character.

: I don't like that wind.

: And suddenly the seagulls...!

: I'm going to see the Cap'n. Justin and Sue, you ought to return to your quarters.
And with that, Feena dashes off towards the bow. Past the bridge.

: She was laughing so happily and suddenly she's so serious. What's wrong?

: Say, look Justin! Suddenly there are no seagulls at all!

: You're right.

: I think something interesting is gonna happen.

: Let's go check it out, Sue!
For the record, this is, like, the fourth time every NPC on this map has had something new to say. And it's not the last, either. We'll be doing NPC Chatter updates for the Steamer until we're on Disc 2.

: This is trouble. I'll assemble the men.

: But not only that, I have a bad premonition.

: Nothing to worry about, Justin and Sue. Go back to your quarters and rest.

: Justin, let's go back to our quarters. Looks like some big trouble.

: Cap'n, we have to change course by as much as we can. Quickly, assemble the men!

: But Feena... that bad premonition of yours -- could it be the legendary Ghost ship...?

: Not that ship again. Cut that out. That's just a superstition!

: A Ghost Ship!? Tell me about it, too!

: Justin, didn't you hear? I told you to go rest in your quarters.

: No fair. Can't we stay just a little?

: This is not a child's game of "adventurer" Be good and do as I say.

: Captain, tell the men to make sure they act calm. The passengers will panic.

: I can't stand it! If this is really the Ghost Ship, we're doomed!

: Justin, let's go back to our quarters.

: We can't go now! I can smell a great adventure. Let's go on deck and see!
That fog rolled in quickly.
And we get a small FMV.

Polsy link)


: Incredible! A real Ghost Ship! Incredible!

: Wowwww. It really has the mood down.

: I've decided! My first great adventure will be on that Ghost Ship!

: Hey, that's Feena's voice! Over there, Justin!
"That everyone's dialog has changed yet again! And there's still a few NPCs who have another dialog condition!"

: Unless we do something about that mystery ship, we won't make it to Elencia alive!

: At this rate, it involves not only the sailors but the passengers, too! Show them a sailor's grit and guts!

: C'mon, Cap'n! Instruct your men!

: On, no. We're done for! A Ghost Ship has really appeared! We're all going to die now!

: That's just a shipwreck! The Ghost Ship is just a superstition. Anyway, we have to fix the ship!

: You see, ever since that ship appeared, our ship can't move, even with the engine at full speed.

: Argh! Pull yourself together! We've got to work together or we'll all drown!

: But Feena... what can we do? We're up against a Ghost Ship.

: We're just sailors, right? If the ship doesn't move, we can't do anything.

: Don't act so hopeless! Aren't you men of the sea!? I'll solve the mystery of that ship!

: So who will go with me to board that ship? Isn't there even one brave man?

: Justin...?

: Now look you guys! Even these little kids are showing some bravery! Is there no brave man among you who will go with me?

: I told you! I'll go with you on that ship! I'll bust up any ghost!

: Ghosts...?! You don't get it.

: Listen, Justin. If you believe in ghosts, you'll never become an adventurer.

: Justin and Sue, you just wait on this ship.
Once again, you have to pick all of the choices to proceed. Even the "no fair" one.

If I don't go, who'll go!? I finally get to go on something like an adventure!
Pissing off the military by discovering ancient secrets? Assassinating the king of the orcs and escaping from a collapsing mine? Neither of those were anything like adventures?

: I'm an adventurer too!

: You know the situation, don't you? There's no proof that you'll be any help at all, Justin!

: That ship won't let me bring along someone who'll get in the way. My intuition tells me so!

But I'm worried about YOU, Feena. How can I let a girl go alone on that dangerous ship?

: ... A GIRL!?

: How rude! I'm a pro adventurer! I'm not so clueless that an amateur like you needs to worry about ME!

: It finally became a real adventure!
No fair that you get to do all the fun things alone!

: Justin, you're thinking too simply! Adventure isn't child's play. You could even lose your life.

: Think like that and a real adventure would be way too dangerous. You don't have enough experience!
No matter which one you pick last, it leads right to here.

: Argh! I can't stand it. I'll do it myself, then.

: Let's go, Sue!

: Huh!? But....

: Oh.... What do I do...?

: Ready to cross to the Ghost Ship, just as you said, Feena.

: No time to be fooling around!

: OK, OK, Justin, let's go together!

: But if you get in the way even a little, promise to come back right away, OK?

: All right! Of course! Just leave it to me!

: C'mon, let's stop fooling around and go! Justin, Sue!
Cutting out another trip around the ship to get the new dialog now that Feena's in the group...

: Are you chickening out, Justin!? Ghosts are just fantastic stories!

: Don't be ridiculous. I'm not afraid of a ship like this!

: But Justin, how do we get down?

: How do we get down?

: We get down like this!
And he just jumps right off.

: Oh, that Justin...!

: Justin, wait!

: Don't get too excited, Justin! Who knows what will happen.
Whew. See you next time, folks!